We collected 6 datasets from Twitter.
Dataset | Side1 | Side2 |
USElections | Pro-Hillary | Pro-Trump |
Description: Tweets containing hashtags and keywords identifying the USElections, such as #uselections, #trump2016, #hillary2016, etc. Collected using Twitter 1% sample for 2 weeks in September 2016 |
RT @hillaryclinton, #hillary2016, #clintonkaine2016, #imwithher | RT @realdonaldtrump, #makeamericagreatagain, #trumppence16, #trump2016 |
Brexit | Pro-Remain | Pro-Leave |
Description: Tweets containing hashtags #brexit, #voteremain, #voteleave, #eureferendum for all of June 2016, from the 1% Twitter sample. | #voteremain, #strongerin, #remain, #remaineu, #votein | #voteleave, #strongerout, #leaveeu, #takecontrol, #leave, #voteout |
Abortion | Pro-Abortion | Anti-Abortion |
Description: Tweets containing hashtags #abortion, #prolife, #prochoice, #anti-abortion, #pro-abortion, #plannedparenthood from Oct 2011 to Aug 2016. | RT @thinkprogress, RT @komenforthecure, RT @mentalabortions, #waronwomen, #nbprochoice, #prochoice, #standwithpp, #reprorights | RT @stevenertelt, RT @lifenewshq, #praytoendabortion, #prolifeyouth, #prolife, #defundplannedparenthood, #defundpp, #unbornlivesmatter |
Obamacare |
Pro-Obamacare | Anti-Obamacare |
Description: Tweets containing hashtags #obamacare, and #aca from Oct 2011 to Aug 2016. | RT @barackobama, RT @lolgop, RT @charlespgarcia, RT @defendobamacare, RT @thinkprogress, #obamacares, #enoughalready, #uniteblue | RT @sentedcruz, RT @realdonaldtrump, RT @mittromney, RT @breitbartnews, RT @tedcruz, #defundobamacare, #makedclisten, #fullrepeal, #dontfundit |
Fracking |
Pro-Fracking |
Anti-Fracking |
Description: Tweets containing hashtags and keywords #fracking, 'hydraulic fracturing', 'shale', 'horizontal drilling', from Oct 2011 to Aug 2016. | RT @shalemarkets, RT @energyindepth, RT @shalefacts, #fracknation, #frackingez, #oilandgas, #greatgasgala, #shalegas | RT @greenpeaceuk, RT @greenpeace, RT @ecowatch, #environment, #banfracking, #keepitintheground, #dontfrack, #globalfrackdown, #stopthefrackattack |
iPhone vs. Samsung |
Pro-iPhone | Pro-Samsung |
Description: Tweets containing hashtags #iphone, and #samsung from April (release of Samsung Galaxy S7), and September 2015 (release of iPhone 7). | #iphone | #samsung |